How to remove title 'Navigation' from Navigation menu in | Drupal 6.x | Drupal API block_admin_display: Menu callback for admin/build/block. block_admin_display_form: Generate main blocks administration form. block_admin_display_form_submit: Process main blocks administration form submission. block_box_delete: Menu callback; confirm deletion of custom blocks. block_box_delete_submit: Deletion of custom blocks. How to hide the site name in Drupal 8 - YouTube Aug 08, 2016 Drupal 7 Tutorial Part 6: Understanding Drupal 7 Block Jun 23, 2011 Adding custom CSS to Drupal 7 to hide the message - Stack

Edit Block on Block Overview Page. From the admin menu, select Structure - Blocks to access the block overview page. Click the configure link next to the block you want to edit. Make your block changes and click Save block at the bottom of the page. See Add a Block and Editor Options for additional information on editing block content.

In our OSU Drupal 7 environment, anything that comes after the .edu is a URL path. If we take the hypothetical about URL path and put it into the text box under our front page configuration, then we have configured that block to show on only the front page and the page that has the about URL path. Drupal 7 hook block title from views module - Stack Overflow

Menu callback; displays the block configuration form. 1 call to block_admin_configure() block_add_block_form in modules/ block/ Menu callback: display the custom block …

Managing Blocks | Drupal guide on Jun 02, 2020 <none> as block title does not hide default title - Oct 03, 2016